Periodicity and quasiperiodicity

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Periodicty is the quality or state of being periodic, recurring at regular interval.

Periodic function[edit | edit source]

In mathematics a periodic function is a function that repeats its values in regular intervals. Examples are sinus, cosinus and tanget functions.
In physics periodic functions describe phenomena such as oscillations and waves.

Quasiperiodicity[edit | edit source]

Some systems display a pattern of recurrence with a component of unpredictability. The term quasiperiodicity can be used to describe such a system.

Physiology and medicine[edit | edit source]

In physiology/medicine the healthy heart rhythm (sinus rhythm), as measured by an ECG, is characterized by periodicity.
Heart rhythm disorders can be characterized by quasiperiodicity.

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Bibliography[edit | edit source]

-, -. Heart Rhythm Disorders [online]. [s.n.] ©-. [cit. 2013-01-17]. <>.

-, -. periodicity [online]. [s.n.] ©-. [cit. 2013-01-17]. <>.

-, -. Quasiperiodicity and chaos in cardiac fibrillation [online]. [s.n.] ©-. [cit. 2013-01-17]. <>.

-, -. periodicity [online]. [s.n.] ©-. [cit. 2013-01-17]. <>.