Parotis (preparation)

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Parotid gland B13[edit | edit source]

Preparation 1[edit | edit source]

Name: Glandula parotis (HE)

Description: The parotid gland is a purely serous, acinous, exocrine gland. The system of outlets already branches abundantly inside the lobule. Annealed terminals are very numerous.

1 - intralobular (annealed) outlet; 2 - interlobular outlet

Preparation 2[edit | edit source]

Name: Glandula parotis (HE)

Description: The serous cells of the exocrine gland have a pyramidal shape and round nuclei. The basal part of the cell contains, as in all serous cells, a rough endoplasmic reticulum. Above the nucleus we find Golgi complex and secretory granules. The inflamed ducts are formed by eosinophilic cells. The flare, visible at high magnification at the base of the epithelial cells, is the optical equivalent of the basolateral labyrinth. The function of annealed terminal cells is the resorption of ions.

1 - annealed intralobular outlet; 2 - secretory compartments

Preparation 3[edit | edit source]

Name: Glandula parotis (HE)

Description: Clear magnification. The pointer points to the annealed terminals.

Epithelium[edit | edit source]

Links[edit | edit source]

Study materials for the preparation[edit | edit source]