Pancreas anulare

From WikiLectures

The annular pancreas is the most common congenital anomaly of the pancreas, in which thin strips of panceatic tissue surround the second descending part of the duodenum (D2). Histologically it is normal tissue.

Another anomaly is present in 75% of patients. In the first place there is a stenosis or atresia of the duodenum and further a Down syndrome, trachea-esophageal (TE) fistula or intestinal malrotation.

Clinical presentation[edit | edit source]

Clinical presentation depends on the degree of obstruction of the duodenum. Usually, the obstruction manifests in the newborn age (we speak about high obstruction of the duodenum). It is presented very rarely at a later age. During significant obstruction, a simple X-ray image of the abdomen shows two air bubles in the stomach and in the duodenum, a.k.a. double bubble sign. However, if the obstruction is incomplete, a small amount of air is visible in the loops of the small and large intestine.

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Kategorie:Vnitřní lékařství Kategorie:Gastroenterologie Kategorie:Pediatrie Kategorie:Patologie Kategorie:Neonatologie Kategorie:Chirurgie