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Frontal sinus osteoma

Osteoma is a benign mesenchymal tumor belonging to primary bone tumors. They are relatively rare, affecting mostly young individuals (under 20 years of age).

Osteoma is composed of more or less mature bone tissue (compact - osteoma durum seu compactum, or spongioses - osteoma spongiosum). Macroscopically, it takes the form of a slowly growing bump. However, most of such processes are not true tumours, but various reactionary and post-traumatic processes. They are localized on the bones of the skull, especially the splanchnocranium and in the paranasal sinuses. Frequent complications (and in some cases the first manifestations of the tumour) are pathological fractures.

  • The multiple occurrence of osteomas with familial colonic polyposis and benign soft tissue tumors is referred to as Gardner's syndrome.

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  • PASTOR, Jan. Langenbeck's medical web page [online]. [cit. 18.04.2010]. <https://langenbeck.webs.com/>.