Ontogeny of the human psyche

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Ontogeny of the human psyche is the science of changes in the psyche that occur during life.

  • subcategories: pedopsychology, adult psychology, gerontopsychology
  • the main area of interest is childhood, where the most changes take place

Period overview[edit | edit source]

According to various authors, the individual stages of development can be described as[1]:

Year Period name according to Mr & Mrs Freud according to Piaget according to Erikson
< 1 month neonatal oral sensorimotor trust versus distrust
< 1 year infant
< 2 years toddler anal autonomy versus doubt
< 3 years phallic symbolic
< 4 years preschool (Oedipus/Electra complex) initiative versus guilt
< 5 years opinionated thinking
< 6 years
< 7 years early school age latency stage diligence versus inferiority
< 8 years specific operation
< 9 years
< 10 years middle school age
< 11 years
< 12 years early adolescence identity versus confusion
< 13 years genital formal operation
< 14 years
< 15 years

Freud, Piaget[edit | edit source]

  • Freud – 5 periods according to sexuality
  • Piaget – also five stages, contemporaneous, different criteria
  1. sensorimotor stage (0–2 years; oral stage)
    • thinking is tied to the actually performed activity, it creates a specific relationship with the mother
  2. symbolic stage (2–4 years; anal stage)
    • develoment of speech, formation of symbolic signs for established ideas
  3. opinion thinking stage (4–7 years; phallic stage)
    • the child draws conclusions dependent on the child´s egocentrism and the child´s activity
  4. concrete operations stage (7–11 years)
    • creation of thought categories, sense of duty
  5. formal operations stage (12–14 years; genital stage)
    • creates general judgments, criticisms, abstract thinking

Erik Erikson[edit | edit source]

  • a more pronounced socio-cultural aspect - a person goes through stages that follow one another when the individual copes with the psychosocial conflict of the previous period, the pivotal work - The Eight Ages of Man
  1. in the first year of life – basic security, feeling of trust, dependent on the stability and quality of maternal care, children without this possibility – disposition to paranoid reactions later
  2. in toddlerhood – a sense of autonomy, separation from the mother, training in the regulation of excretion
  3. preschool period – development of locomotor skills and initiative, conflict with the norms of the surrounding world, emotional attachment to mother still strong
  4. school age – ties to peer groups, skill, feelings of inferiority in the event of failure, also role models other than parents (teachers,...), boys and girls separate groups
  5. the period of adolescence – the search for one´s own identity
  6. young adulthood – only a person who is sure of himself is capable of a close relationship with others - intimacy
  7. maturity – fertility, creativity
  8. maturity – maturity fo the ego, a balanced individual, able to face the end of life
  • periods – fetal, newborn, infant, toddler, preschool, school, puberty, adolescence (up to 20 years), adulthood (20–45 years), involution (45–65 years), old age

Links[edit | edit source]

Reference[edit | edit source]

  1. RABOCH, Jiří – PAVLOVSKÝ, Pavel, et al. Psychiatrie. 1. edition. Praha : Karolinum, 2012. 466 pp. pp. 20. ISBN 978-80-246-1985-9.

Source[edit | edit source]