Occupational accident

From WikiLectures

In the Labor Code, we do not find a definition of the term injury and it is only defined here when an injury is considered to be at work. When looking for a definition, it is therefore necessary to consult the jurisprudence, which considers an injury to be such a health disorder that is caused by external causes independent of the will of the employee . The causes act suddenly, violently, short-term and unexpectedly, their character is either mechanical or chemical . [1]

Prevention of occupational accidents[edit | edit source]

  1. prevent risk;
  2. assess unavoidable risks;
  3. eliminates risks at the source;
  4. introduce technical progress;
  5. replace risky with less risky;
  6. prevention is better than cure;
  7. adapt the work to the individual;
  8. the priority of collective protection;
  9. give appropriate instructions to workers;
  10. check the measures in place.

Legislation[edit | edit source]

  • Act No. 258/2000 Coll., on the protection of public health as amended.
  • Act No. 262/2006 Coll., Labor Code.
  • Act No. 309/2006 Coll., on ensuring additional conditions of safety and health protection at work.
  • Law No. 18/1997, Atomic Law.

Duties of the employee[edit | edit source]

  1. Participate in employer-provided training focused on safety and health protection at work, including verification of your knowledge.
  2. To undergo occupational medical examinations, examinations or vaccinations stipulated by special legal regulations.
  3. Comply with the legal and other regulations and instructions of the employer to ensure safety and health protection at work, with which he was properly familiarized and follow the principles of safe behavior at the workplace and the employer's information.
  4. Adhere to specified work procedures, use specified work equipment, means of transport, personal protective work equipment and protective equipment and do not arbitrarily change or take them out of service.
  5. Not to consume alcoholic beverages and not to abuse other addictive substances at the employer's workplaces and during working hours even outside these workplaces, not to enter the employer's workplace under their influence and not to smoke at workplaces and in other spaces where non-smokers are also exposed to the effects of smoking. The ban on the consumption of alcoholic beverages does not apply to employees who work in adverse microclimatic conditions, if they consume beer with a reduced alcohol content, and to employees whose consumption of these beverages is part of the performance of work tasks or is usually associated with the performance of these tasks.
  6. Notify your superior manager of deficiencies and defects at the workplace that threaten or could directly and seriously endanger the safety or health of employees at work, in particular the imminent occurrence of an emergency or deficiencies in organizational measures, defects or malfunctions of technical equipment and protective systems designed to prevent them .
  7. With regard to the type of work performed by him, to the best of his abilities, participate in the elimination of deficiencies found during inspections by the authorities that are responsible for the performance of inspections according to special legal regulations.
  8. Immediately report your work-related injury to your superior manager , if your health condition allows it, and the work-related injury of another employee, or the injury of another natural person that you have witnessed, and cooperate in clarifying its causes.
  9. Comply with the instruction of an authorized senior employee designated in writing by the employer to determine whether he is under the influence of alcohol or other addictive substances. [2]

Links[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

Reference[edit | edit source]

  1. Epravo.cz. Vymezení pojmu pracovní úraz [online]. [cit. 2009-03-30]. <https://www.epravo.cz/top/clanky/vymezeni-pojmu-pracovni-uraz-879.html>.
  2. HAVIT, s.r.o. Zákon č. 262/2006 Sb., zákoník práce : Část pátá Bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví při práci [online]. [cit. 2011-10-23]. <https://business.center.cz/business/pravo/zakony/zakonik-prace/cast5h2.aspx>.


ws: Pracovní úraz