
From WikiLectures


Neutrophilia is the increase of neutrophils ,also known as polymorphonuclear cells above 7,000/ul (70%). Normally, neutrophils compromise 40%-70% of the total leukocyte count or 1,600 neutrophils/ul-7,000 neutrophils/ul. It is important to note that the neutrophil count is much less in children, as they constitute only 20-40% of the WBC count (WBC count in Children <2 is 6,000-17,000/ul).

Neutrophilia may be present physiologically in the following cases:

  1. Immediately after physical exercise or emotional stress
  2. Pregnancy, Lactation and Mensuration
  3. After a meal
  4. Smokers

Neutrophilia may be present pathologically in the following cases:

  • Reactive: acute bacterial (pyogenic) infections, acute tissue damage and subsequent inflammation, gout (uric acid deposition)
  • Malignant: as part of Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and other Myeloproliferative diseases.


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