Mortal Endodontic Treatment
From WikiLectures
Indications[edit | edit source]
- No effect of anesthetic
- Lack of time
- Polyvolent allergy for anesthetics
Agents and Risks[edit | edit source]
Paraformaldehyde[edit | edit source]
- We place it on a small opening of the pulp chamber
- (brand names: DEPULPIN, TOXAVIT)
- After the placement we must achieve hermetic seal!
- We leave the material for maximun 2 weeks
- If not paraformaldehyde diffuses into the roots after that time
- Thus, we must stress to the patient to come to the dentist within 2 weeks
- Limitation of paraformaldehyde application
- We don't apply it in patients with acute periodontitis (thus no percussion positive)
- Not applied to teeth with approximal caries --> afterwards necrotic papilla
- We must be careful not to place too much material in the upper premolar sand molars, because their apices lie close to the antrum
Tricresol Formalin[edit | edit source]
- It is another agent used for mortal endodontic treatment
- Also called Formocresol
- Used also for mortal pulpotomy
- It is a procedure used for mummification of the pulp, but only for deciduous teeth
- Used in the following concentration: 19-37 %
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Bibliography[edit | edit source]
- OTT, Daniel. Endodontics [lecture for subject Restorative Dentistry, specialization Endodontics, LF1 Charles university]. Prague. May 2012.