Mitral insufficiency

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Mitral Regurgitation scheme1.png
Echocardiography of hypertrophic-obstructive cardiomyopathy in a domestic cat.gif

The cause of mitral insufficiency (MI) is mitral regurgitation.

The causes of MI include:

  • abnormalities of flaps (prolapse of mitral valve, infectious endocarditis),
  • abnormalities of mitral ring (dilation, calcification),
  • abnormalities of tendons (degeneration, ruptures),
  • abnormalities of papillary muscles (ruptures).

Mitral regurgitation is also accompanied by mitral prolapse (can be inborne – Barlow syndrome, in Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or acquired secondarily), the cause of acute insufficiency is usually a rupture of the papillary muscle in heart attack or valve damage infectious endocarditis.

Patophysiology of MI[edit | edit source]

  • LV pumps the blood to LA (regurgitation fraction), which decreases the systolic otput of the LV - LV must hypetrophy to stabilise (excentric hypertrophy) –systolic dysfunction occurs in LV and heart failure. As a result of pulmonary venostasis, exertional dyspnea to cardiac pulmonary edema occurs.

Diagnostics MI[edit | edit source]

  1. Physical findings:
    • dilation of a heart shadow (LV to the left, apex down and laterally),
    • congestion on the lungs (crackles),
    • auscultation: holosystolic murmur in apex with pormotion into the armpit, hearable on the left side, S3 gallop, gallopezosystolic click,
    • marks of the R heart failure: edema, elevated JVP, hepato- a splenomegaly, nocturia, flatulence, anorexia,ascites at a late stage,
  2. RTGcardiomegaly,
  3. echocardiography – regurgitation from LV to LA in systole.

Therapy[edit | edit source]

  • Surgical:
    • effort to surgically save the valve– anuloplasty, valvuloplasty mitral valve,
    • valve replacement with preserved hanging apparatus,
    • every symptomaic patien is indicated to (if the ejection fraction doesn´t go below 30 %), we an only observe patients who:
      • have ejection fraction over 60 %,
      • don´t have dilation of the LA,
      • don´t have fibrilation of the LA,
      • don´t have pulmonary hypertension.
  • Drug therapy – prevention of injection endocarditis, therapy of the atrium fibrilation, therapy of he heart failure (ACEI, sartans, diuretics),
  • in acute MS is acute surgery indicated, nitrates, kardiotonics, IABP (intra-aortic balloon pump).

Video of mitral inssufficiencies[edit | edit source]

Video in english, definition, pathogenesis, smptoms, kcomplications, therapy.

Auscultation[edit | edit source]

Source[edit | edit source]

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Kategorie:Vnitřní lékařství Kategorie:Kardiologie Kategorie:Články s videem