Medical eligibility

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Eligibility for work is assessed only by a doctor specialised in occupational medicine. The assessment of medical eligibility for work includes the issue of a medical eligibility for work certificate (by the same doctor) based on knowledge derived from:

As part of the medical eligibility assessment, the occupational physician may also request additional specialised examinations, which may then be taken into account in the medical eligibility assessment. They must assess whether the employee has any pre-existing (or potentially permanent) illnesses that would limit fitness for work until the next examination.

The outcomes may be as follows:

  • medical report,
  • a medical certificate of eligibility for work.

Cave!!!.png Examinations at individual workplaces and at other facilities provided by the employer for its employees, such as hostels, dormitories, catering facilities, shall be carried out by the occupational physician at least once a year, at workplaces always before medical examinations begin.

Medical report[edit | edit source]

  • like any other medical report includes:
    • information about the patient
    • a summary of the examination and medication
    • diagnosis
    • other health care arrangements
  • in comparison with a regular medical report additionally contains information on the assessment of (temporary) incapacity for work

Medical report on eligibility for work[edit | edit source]

  • the most important part of the report is an unequivocal statement on the employee's medical eligibility, according to Decree No. 385/2006 Coll. the following statements are admitted[1]:
    • the person being assessed is medically fit for the job
    • the person being assessed is medically unfit for the job
    • the person being assessed is fit for the work, with a condition which must always be stated in the assessment and must not include an exclusion from the activity being assessed which is an integral part of the work
    • the person being assessed has lost long-term medical fitness

The medical report must contain information:

  • for the unambiguous identification of the person assessed
  • details of the medical establishment which prepared the assessment
  • the date of registration
  • the nameplate and signature of the doctor who issued the assessment

This assessment is addressed to the employer and therefore, unlike a medical report, does not contain a diagnosis. It must be given to the employer in writing within 10 days of receipt of the latest examination result, or directly on the date of the finding of a change in medical fitness if there would be a risk of delay.

The report shall also include notice to the person assessed that a review of the report may be sought within 10 days of the date of its receipt. If no such application is made, the report shall be deemed valid from the date of its delivery to the person concerned. The validity of such an assessment shall expire no later than the date of the next periodic or scheduled examination.

Special types of medical reports[edit | edit source]

Medical eligibility for study and preparation for future occupation[edit | edit source]

The assessment includes:

  • medical examination,
  • an assessment of the medical demands of preparation for the profession (based on study plans),
  • an assessment of the medical demands of the future occupation.

It is essential to exclude illnesses that will make it impossible to practice the future profession (based on recommended standards). If such a finding is made, the doctor must inform the pupil's parents (if under 18), who will also be advised of the possibility of becoming a citizen with reduced working capacity.

Medical fitness for work is assessed only by a doctor specialising in occupational of occupational medicine. The assessment of medical fitness for work includes the issue of a medical fitness for work certificate (by the same doctor) based on knowledge derived from:

As part of the medical fitness assessment, the occupational physician may also request additional specialised examinations, which may then be taken into account in the medical fitness assessment. They must assess whether the employee has any pre-existing (or potentially permanent) illnesses that would limit fitness for work until the next examination.

The outcomes may be as follows:

  • medical report,
  • a medical certificate of fitness for work.

Cave!!!.png Examinations at individual workplaces and at other facilities provided by the employer for its employees, such as hostels, dormitories, catering facilities, shall be carried out by the occupational physician at least once a year, at workplaces always before medical examinations begin.

Medical report[edit | edit source]

  • like any other medical report includes:
    • information about the patient
    • a summary of the examination and medication
    • diagnosis
    • other health care arrangements
  • in comparison with a regular medical report additionally contains information on the assessment of (temporary) incapacity for work

Medical report on fitness for work[edit | edit source]

  • the most important part of the report is an unequivocal statement on the employee's medical fitness, according to Decree No. 385/2006 Coll. the following statements are admitted[2]:
    • the person being assessed is medically fit for the job
    • the person being assessed is medically unfit for the job
    • the person being assessed is fit for the work, with a condition which must always be stated in the assessment and must not include an exclusion from the activity being assessed which is an integral part of the work
    • the person being assessed has lost long-term medical fitness

The medical report must contain information:

  • for the unambiguous identification of the person assessed
  • details of the medical establishment which prepared the assessment
  • the date of registration
  • the nameplate and signature of the doctor who issued the assessment

This assessment is addressed to the employer and therefore, unlike a medical report, does not contain a diagnosis. It must be given to the employer in writing within 10 days of receipt of the latest examination result, or directly on the date of the finding of a change in medical fitness if there would be a risk of delay.

The report shall also include notice to the person assessed that a review of the report may be sought within 10 days of the date of its receipt. If no such application is made, the report shall be deemed valid from the date of its delivery to the person concerned. The validity of such an assessment shall expire no later than the date of the next periodic or scheduled examination.

Special types of medical reports[edit | edit source]

Medical fitness for study and preparation for future occupation[edit | edit source]

The assessment includes:

  • medical examination,
  • an assessment of the medical demands of the preparation for the profession (based on study plans),
  • an assessment of the medical demands of the future occupation.

It is essential to exclude illnesses that will make it impossible to practice the future profession (based on recommended standards). If such a finding is made, the doctor must inform the pupil's parents (if under 18), who will also be advised of the possibility of becoming a citizen with reduced working capacity.

Medical fitness to drive[edit | edit source]

The assessment includes:

  • medical examination - before commencing work and further regular medical examinations every two years until the age of 50 and annually after the age of 50, may be carried out by a general practitioner[3]
  • traffic psychological examination - carried out by a psychologist or clinical psychologist[4]
  • neurological assessment by a neurologist based on a neurological clinical examination[4]

The psychological and neurological examination applies to professional drivers with a licence of groups C, C+E and C1+E, D and D+E and subgroups D1 and D1+E.[4]

External links[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. TUČEK, – PELCOVÁ,, et al. Bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví při práci v malých a středních podnicích : Příručka pro zaměstnavatele. 2. aktualizované vydání edition. Státní zdravotní ústav, 2009. 61 pp. pp. 51. ISBN 80-7071-310-5.
  2. TUČEK, – PELCOVÁ,, et al. Bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví při práci v malých a středních podnicích : Příručka pro zaměstnavatele. 2. aktualizované vydání edition. Státní zdravotní ústav, 2009. pp. 51. ISBN 80-7071-310-5.
  3. a b c

Source[edit | edit source]

1. SLÍVA,. Bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví při práci v malých a středních podnicích :  příručka pro zaměstnavatele. 2. edition. Tigis, 2004. ISBN 8070712481.

2.  – CIKRT, Miroslav – PELCLOVÁ, Daniela. Pracovní lékařství pro praxi : Příručka s doporučenými standardy. 1. edition. Grada Publishing, 2005. 328 pp. ISBN 80-247-0927-9.

3. TUCEK, Milan, et al. Hygiena a epidemiologie. 1. edition. Karolinum, 2012. ISBN 9788024620251.

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