Lung HE

From WikiLectures

Lung/Lung, HE 0.5x

Lungs HE.jpg


Lung/Lung, HE 5x

Lungs HE, 5x.jpg


1) BT − bronchiolus terminalis
2) AD - ductus alveolaris
3) A – alveolus
4) C - blood vessels

Lung/Lung, HE 10x

Lungs HE, 10x.jpg

1) BT − bronchiolus terminalis
2) RB - respiratory bronchioles / respiratory bronchioles
3) A – alveolus
4) AS - alveolar sac
5) IS - interalveolar septum / interalveolar septum

Lung/Lung, HE 10x (2)

Lungs HE, 10x (2).jpg

1) BT − bronchiolus terminalis
2) RB - respiratory bronchioles / respiratory bronchioles
3) AD - ductus alveolaris
4) A – alveolus
5) AS - alveolar sac
6) IS − interalveolar septum / interalveolar septum


Navigation: Epithelial / Epithelial tissue
← Preparation No. 9 | List of specimens | Preparation No. 11 →

Respiratory system / Systema respiratorium
← Preparation No. D4 | List of preparations | Preparation No. D6 →