Invasive blood pressure monitoring (pediatrics)

From WikiLectures

Arterial cannulation, in addition to the benefit of continuous blood pressure monitoring, may be helpful in assessing blood pressure. A normal arterial pulse curve has a sharp rise during the rapid ejection phase. It is followed by a phase of slow ejection, which appears as a plateau with a subsequent drop in arterial pressure. A dicrotic finding indicates the end of ejection and closure of the aortic valve. The subsequent drop in arterial pressure during diastole is attributed to aortic run-off (see pulse pressure). We see a reduction in pulse amplitude (similar to pulse pressure) in patients with reduced cardiac output. A flat onset of the curve shape during the fast ejection phase is indicative of a contractility disorder. We see an increase in pulse amplitude in conditions with hyperkinetic circulation.

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  • HAVRÁNEK, Jiří: Šok. (edited)

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