Homosexuality and Evolution

From WikiLectures

We already know about homosexuality today that it is an innate and partially genetically embedded sexual behavior that is not chosen by the person in question and cannot be removed. In many underdeveloped, totalitarian or highly religious countries, homosexuality is viewed as a disorder or unacceptable behavior that is so-called "against nature".

Homosexuální výjev na starověkém umění

Homosexual behavior is observed in nature in at least 1,500 species of animals. From the point of view of evolution and from the point of view of passing on genetic information, this sexual behavior is absolutely disadvantageous. How did it not disappear? In evolution, we talk about the so-called idea that the strongest will survive. If this behavior were just a genetic flaw, then natural selection would have eliminated such a flaw long ago.

Homosexuality is not about sex, but about survival of the fittest group (family). EO Wilson says that homosexuality confers group advantages through specialized talents and unusual qualities. Research shows that people from sexual minorities tend to be very intelligent. Especially in terms of emotional intelligence . Boys or girls who scored high on the IQ scale were twice as likely to be homosexual as those who scored average or low.

Since homosexuality is largely transmitted genetically, it can also be explained epigenetically . We can use the example of ants. When a colony is attacked, the queen mother methylates the DNA to allow the genome to be expressed differently in different cells. For example, an ant-soldier or a worker ant is created in times of hardship. In the latest research, this also applies to humans.

72% of mothers of homosexual men were found to have been exposed to prenatal stress . This was caused by tumors, severe illnesses, car accidents, fractures, etc. Prenatal stress was observed in only 2% of mothers of heterosexual men. This means that brain development has been genetically modified. With this, the homosexual orientation was imprinted in order to protect and help the family.

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Videopřednáška James O'Keefe MD – HomosexualityKategorie:Sexuologie