Homosexuality among women

From WikiLectures

For a homosexually oriented woman, the term "lesbian" can already be considered generally accepted today. In a lesbian couple, two women come together, making the pair emotionally warmer, often overflowing with feelings. The coexistence of two women, who can also raise a child together, does not attract as much attention as male homosexual couples, making it more common. Women are less promiscuous, and a lesbian couple can count on greater stability.

The legalization of registered partnership for individuals of the same sex undoubtedly improves the sociosexual adaptation of gays and lesbians, despite the fact that this new institute is not very attractive to many of them.

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Based on an article by Doc. MUDr. Jaroslav Zvěřina, CSc. (Head of the Department of Sexology of the 1st Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital (VFN))