Histology MCQs/Placenta and fetal membranes

From WikiLectures
Placenta and umbilical cord.

1 Which of following statemenst about dizygotic twins is true?

Birth weight of this twin is about one half of normal birth weight
Each twin has its own amniotic cavity
They originate from one oocyte
They have the same sex

2 Which pathological condition is called placenta increta?

Placenta is inserted too low, it covers the cervical channel
Placenta is full of blood clots (trombi), its function drops
Placenta is splitted to two or more separated lobes
Placentar villi growth into the myometrium

3 All but one hormones are produced by the placenta? Which one does not?

Chorionic gonadotropin

4 Which statement about the blood flowing in the umbilical vein is true?

The blood is maternal oxygenated
The blood is fetal oxygenated
The blood is maternal with low level of oxygen
The blood is fetal with low level of oxygen

5 Where takes place the amniotic fluid?

In the abdominal cavity of the fetus
In the intervillous space
In the amniotic cavity
In the chorion

6 Which statement about the syncytiotrophoblast is true?

It covers the chorionic villi
It covers the chorionic plate
It covers both chorioic villi and plate
It disappears before formation of the placenta is completed

7 Which blood takes place inside the intervillous spaces?

Mixed maternal and fetal blood
Maternal blood
Fetal blood
There is no blood here

8 Which statement about the decidua basalis is true?

It does not contain markable deposits of glycogen
It gives rise maternal part of the placenta
It covers whole uterine cavity
It contains no vessel

9 Which compound can not pass the placental barrier?


10 Which structure holds maternal and fetal parts of the placenta together?

Pressuere of surrounging anatomical structures
Ligaments on the border of the placenta
Ligament in the center of the placenta
Anchoring villi

11 Which structures form the placental barrier?

Fetal capillaries, syncytiotrophoblast, maternal capillaries
Fetal capillaries, cytotrophoblast, syncytiotrophoblast
Chorionic membrane and maternal capillaries
Chorionic membrane and fetal capillaries

12 Which pathological condition can be caused by Rh incompatibitily

Twin-to-twin transfusion
Fetal erythroblastosis
Placenta percretta
Umbilical knots

13 Do IgG antibodies pass the placental barrier?

Yes, they do
Yes, they do, but at the beginning of the pregnancy only
Yes, they do, but few days before the birth only
No, they do not

14 Which statement about monochorionic twins is true?

In almost all cases, the twins are monozygotic
In all cases, twins share the amniotic cavity
In majority of cases, each twin has its own placenta
In all cases, shared placenta is excluded

15 How big is usually the placenta before the birth?

About 12 cm in diameter and 2-2.5 cm in thickness
About 12 cm in diameter and 5-5.5 cm in thickness
About 22 cm in diameter and 2-2.5 cm in thickness
About 22 cm in diameter and 5-5.5 cm in thickness

16 How long is usually the umbilical cord before the birth?

About 20 cm
About 30 cm
About 40 cm
About 50 cm

17 How is called the stage of the labor in which the placenta is expelled?

Second stage
Third stage
Fourth staga
It has no name

18 In which direction are transported urea and uric acid through the placenta? note: both these compounds are common waste products of the metabolism

From the fetal blood to the maternal blood
Form the maternal blood to the fetal blood
They can not pass the placental barrier

19 In which directin are transported phenylalanine or leucine throught the placenta?

From the fetal blood to the maternal blood
Form the maternal blood to the fetal blood
They can not pass the placental barrier

20 Can viruses pass the placental barrier?

Yes, all viruses can easily pass the barrier
Yes, some viruses can pass the barrier
No, viruses can not pass the barrier

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