Histology MCQs/Histological Technique

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Today's histological laboratories are usually automated, but main principles are often old.

1 All statemets below are less or more related to the autolysis. Which of them is the best?

Autolysis is decay of tissues caused mainly by bacteria
Autolysis is decay of tissues caused mainly by action of the immune system
Autolysis is decay of tissues caused mainly by enzymes produced inside the tissue
Autolysis is decay of tissues caused by chemical compounds into which is the sample placed after harvesting

2 Azokoupling reaction (azocoupling method) is a proof of enzymatic activity. Which enzyme is usually detected?

Alcaline phosphatase
Non-specific esterase
Horseradish peroxidase

3 Degradation of a biological material caused by bacteria is called:


4 How is removed the water out of tissues during common histological processing?

We use baths with xylene of subsequently higher and higher concentration
We use baths with ethanol of subsequently higher and higher concentration
We use baths with acetone of subsequently higher and higher concentration
We use baths with benzene of subsequently higher and higher concentration

5 Which compound is proven by Feulgen's method (Feulgen's staining)?


6 How is called harvesting (collecting) of biological material from deceased?

Material from deceased is not called "biological material"

7 How is called harvesting (collecting) of biological material?

Fine needle aspirational biopsy
Core cut biopsy

8 How thick are usually slices of the sample which are being glued on the underlying slide? (note: Assume light microscopy only.)

1 - 10 nm
1 - 2 μm
4 - 10 μm
50 - 100 μm

9 Which type of a microscope has to use laser as a source of light?

Confocal microscope
Polarisation microscope
Phase contrast microscope
Scanning electron microscope

10 Which structure is demonstrated (stained) by luxol blue?


11 What is main principle of visualization of PAS reaction? (i.e., "How it works in a nutshell?")

Purple and insoluble product of reaction of Schiff's reagent with an aldehyde
Green and insoluble product of reaction of Schiff's reagent with an aldehyde
Purple and insoluble product of reaction of Lugol's reagent with an aldehyde
Green and insoluble product of reaction of Lugol's reagent with an aldehydee

12 Which type of chemical interaction is main principle of basic (overview) staining methods?

Van der Waals interactions between charged biomolecules and charged molecules of dyes
Electrostatic interaction between charged biomolecules and charged molecules of dyes
Covalent bonds between charged biomolecules and charged molecules of dyes
It depends on the staining technique, different principles can be dominant

13 Among following dyes, only one is not acidic. Which one?

Orange G
Anilin blue

14 Which of following dyes is not basic?

Orange G
Methylen blue

15 Which macromolecules are proven by PAS reaction?


16 How is called thechnique which is able to detect specific sequence of nucleic acid on the tissue section?

In situ hybridization
Lectin histochemistry
Feulgen's method

17 Which structure is highlighted using silver impregnation?

Reticular fibers
Elastic fibers

18 Which compound is stained by alcian blue?


19 Which cellular structure is stained by aldehyde fuchsin?

Reticular fibers
Elastic fibers

20 What stains orcein?

Reticular fibers
Elastic fibers

21 Dyes of Sudan group are usually used as a staining for:

Nucleid acids

22 Which basic (overview) staining technique is used the most often?

Weigert - Van Gieson
Mallory's trichrome
Hematoxylin - eosin
Masson's trichrome

23 Trichromatic methods (trichromes) are used for visualization of collagen. On which property of collagen is based this staining?

Collagen fibers are basophilic
Collagen fibers are eosinophilic
Collagen fibers are amphiphillic
Trichromes cannot be used for this purpose

24 What is main purpose of a cryotome?

Slicing of frozen samples
Slicing of desicated samples
Slicing of samples embedded into water soluble media
Slicing of samples embedded into water insoluble media

25 What is it a metachromasia? (i.e., What does it means a metachromatic staining?)

Metachromatic structure actively repulses molecules of the dye
Stained structure has different color than the color of the dye
Metachromatic structure actively accumulates molecules of the dye
Stained structure reacts chemically with the dye and this reaction changes substantially the chemical nature of the dye

26 What does it mean an excision?

Surgical removing of part of organ
Surgical removing of several organs
Brush away free cells from the surface
Harvesting of small cylinder of the tissue using a needle

27 What does it mean mounting of the slide?

Final gluing of the covering slide
Gluing of the slice on the underlying slide
Covering the block of tissue by the paraffin
Labeling of final slide by a bar- or QR code

28 What is it a diastase reaction?

Modification of PAS reaction based on two slides. One of these slides is pretreated by an enzyme which digest a DNA
Modification of PAS reaction based on two slides. One of these slides is pretreated by an enzyme which digest a glycogen
Modification of Feulgen's reaction based on two slides. One of these slides is pretreated by an enzyme which digest a DNA
Modification of Feulgen's reaction based on two slides. One of these slides is pretreated by an enzyme which digest a glycogen

29 What is it an indirect methods of immunohistochemistry?

Label is used indirectly
Label is bound to the primary antibody
Label is bound to the secondary antibody
Label is not bound to the primary antibody

30 What is it a negative control if the enzyme histochemistry is performed?

Result of second staining which is again negative
Sample in the workflow which surely lacks the analyzed structure
Sample in the workflow which surely contains the analyzed structure
Result of second staining which is negative, in contrast to the result of first staining

31 What is it a positive control if the enzyme histochemistry is performed?

Result of second staining which is again positive
Sample in the workflow which surely lacks the analyzed structure
Sample in the workflow which surely contains the analyzed structure
Result of second staining which is positive, in contrast to the result of first staining

32 What is it a direct method in immunohistochemistry?

Label is bound to the primary antibody
Label is bound to the secondary antibody
Label is bound directly to the active site of the antibody
Label is bound directly to the structure which should be demonstrated

33 Which structure is the best example of a basophilic structure?

Lipid droplets
Golgi apparatus

34 Which structure is the best example of an eosinophilic structure?

Cell nucleus
Collagen fibers
Rough endoplasmic reticulum

35 Which chemical compound is usually main part of chemical fixatives?

Formic acid
Osmium tetroxide

36 Which definition of a fixation is the best?

Freezing of the sample
Intense and careful drying up of the tissue
Submersion the sample into the fixative fluid
Fixation stops gently and quickly activity of enzymes inside the tissue

37 Which embedding medium is the most common?


38 Which is common color of nuclei after staining with hematoxylin eosin?

Cherry-like red
Blue to magenta
Pink to red
Pale pink

39 Which is color of the collagen if the green Masson's trichrome is used?


40 Which is color or the collagen if the AZAN is used?


41 Which label is the most widely used in immunohistochemistry for the electron microscopy?

Metal particles
Enzyme labeling
Fluorescent dye

42 Which label is the most widely used in immunohistochemistry for the light microscopy?

Enzyme labeling
Fluorescent dye
Metal particles

43 Which statement about a histochemistry is the most accurate? (i.e., "Select the best definition!")

Histochemistry is an identification and visualization of chemical compounds inside cells and tissues
Histochemistry is a measurement of concentration of chemical compounds inside tissues
Histochemistry ia an analysis of chemical reaction inside cells
Histochemistry is a research method only

44 Which statement about the chemical fixation describes it the best?(i.e., "Which statement is the most accurate?")

Chemical fixation can be based on either induction of cross-linking or denaturation
Chemical fixation can be performed only if the solution has room temperature
Chemical fixation is based on acting of formaldehyde on protein
Chemical fixation is used only exceptionally

45 Which statement about the physical fixation describes it the best?

Physical fixation is based on cessation of transporting function of water
Physical fixation is based on effects of microwave radiation
Physical fixation is based on effects of high temperature
Physical fixation is based on effects of low temperature

46 Which of following statements describes the curettage?

Brush away free cells from the the surface of a mucosa
Scrape of the tissue using a special tool
Surgical removing of whole organ
Surgical removing of whole organ

47 Why are histological samples stained?

Tissues are colored to chaotically, we have to reduce the number of colors
In fact, do dye is used, the term "staining" is a historical mistake
Reason is purely aesthetic, true colors of tissues are too ugly
Tissues are usually colorless, we have to add some colors

48 Why are trichromatic methods called "trichromatic"?

True reason is hidden in history, now it makes no sense
There are used three dyes, one basic and two acidic
There are used three dyes, all three acidic
There are used three dyes

49 Why is AZAN called AZAN?

AZAN is an abbreviation of main principule - AZocoupling Anthracite Neutralization
AZAN is an abbreviation of two main dyes - AZocarmine and ANiline blue
AZAN is an abbreviation (from German) - Alle Zellen Azurblau Nichfarbige
AZAN is a cool trade name only

50 Why is embedding of fixed sample important? (all statements are correct, select the best one)

Embedding increases hardness without increasing the fragility
Embedding increases durability of the sample
Embedded samples can be easily stored
Embedding is a tradition

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