Histology MCQs/Endocrine Glands

From WikiLectures
Structure of insulin

1 Which of following statements describes endocrine glands best?

Endocrine glands are composed of trabecular epithelium
Endocrine glands have no striated ducts
Endocrine glands have no ducts
Endocrine glands are avascular

2 Which structure gives rise the adenohypophysis?

Ebner's glands
Rathke's pouch

3 Which structure contains cells producing ADH (antidiuretic hormone)?

Infundibum of hypophysis

4 In the hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system, we have a vessel between two capillary networks. Which type of vessel is it?

Both arteries and veins in similar amount
Mainly veins, occasionally arteries

5 Which of following statements about cells of adenohypophysis is true?

Chromophobic cells belong to the immune system
Chromophilic cells are hormone-producing cells
Chromophobic cells are ACTH-producing cells
Chromophilic cells produce oxytocin

6 Which statement about the suprarenal gland is true?

Cells in medulla produce norepinephrin (noradrenalin)
Cells in medulla produce glucocorticoids
Cells in cortex produce dopamine
Cells in cortex produce TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone)

7 Cells of cortex of the suprarenal gland have conspicuous morphological property. Which one?

Their rough endoplasmic reticulum is tubular
Their mitochondria have tubular crists
Their Golgi apparatus is swollen
Their nucleus has two lobes

8 Which order of layers of cortex of the adrenal gland is correct (from the surface to the medulla):

Zona glomerulosa - zona reticularis - zona fasciculata
Zona reticularis - zona glomerulosa - zona fasciculata
Zona glomerulosa - zona fasciculata - zona reticularis
Zona reticularis - zona fasciculata - zona glomerulosa

9 Which statement about suprarenal gland is true?

There are no androgen-producing cells in the suprarenal gland
Aldosteron-producing cells are derived from neural crest
Cortex and medulla are of the same embryonic origin
Chromaffin cells are derived from neural crest

10 Which cells of islets of Langerhans produce insulin?

α cells (A cells)
β cells (B cells)
δ cells (D cells)
PP cells

11 Which molecule is main compound of colloid in thyroid gland?

Glycoprotein called thyreoglobulin
Lipoprotein called thyreoglobulin
Glycoprotein called tyroxin
Lipoprotein called tyroxin

12 Which type of epithelium is epithelium composed of follicular cells (thyrocytes) in the thyroid gland?

Stratified squamous to simple columnar epithelium
Simple squamous to simple columnar epithelium
Pseudostratified columnar non-ciliated
Trabecular epithelium

13 Hormones produced by the thyroid gland contain unique chemical part. Which one?


14 Which hormone is produced by parafollicular cells (C cells) of thyroid gland?


15 How many parathyroid glands do we usually have?


16 Which type of cells forms supportive structure of the pineal gland?

Reticular connective tissue
Loose connective tissue
Reticular epithelium

17 What is main function of glucagon?

Raises production of glucocorticoids
Lowers production of glucocorticoids
Raises blood level of glucose
Lowers blood level of glucose

18 What is main function of mineralocorticoids?

Stimulate reabsorbtion of calcium and secretion of phosphates in large intestine
Stimulate reabsorbtion of natrium and secretion of potassium in large intestine
Stimulate reabsorbtion of calcium and secretion of phosphates in kidney
Stimulate reabsorbtion of natrium and secretion of potassium in kidney

19 What is main function of tyroxine?

Increases production of sex hormones
Regulates circadian rythms
Increases metabolic rate
Increases storage of fat

20 Which cells are destroyed in type I diabetes mellitus?

α cells (A cells)
β cells (B cells)
δ cells (D cells)
Type I diabetes is not caused by loss of certain cell type

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