Helium Dilution Method

From WikiLectures

It allows the determination of the functional residual capacity of the lungs (the volume of air that the lungs contain after normal expiration).

Procedure[edit | edit source]

After normal exhalation, the examinee begins to breathe in a closed circuit with a mixture of oxygen and a known amount of helium. We measure the concentration of helium that remains in the device after the helium expands into the gas mixture in the lungs and a new equilibrium is established.

Mathematical relationships[edit | edit source]

Since the system is isolated from the environment, it is possible to calculate the functional residual capacity of the lungs according to the relationships:

  • V2 = total gas volume in the system (FRC + gas volume in the device)
  • V1 = volume of gas in the device
  • C1 = initial (known) concentration of helium in the device
  • C2 = final concentration of helium in the device after use by the subject

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