Glandula thyroidea (SFLT)

From WikiLectures

Glandula thyroidea - (HE)[edit | edit source]

Glandula thyroidea 1.jpeg

Description: K - colloid (thyreoglobulin), E - monolayer epithelium of follicles, V - connective stroma, A - capillary.

Glandula thyroidea - (HE)[edit | edit source]

Glandula thyroidea 2.jpeg

Description: F - follicle filled with colloid, E - monolayer epithelium of follicles, V - connective stroma.

Glandula thyroidea - detail (HE)[edit | edit source]

Glandula thyroidea 3.jpeg

Description: K - colloid, E - monolayer epithelium of thyroid follicles, V - connective tissue forming fine bands around follicles, arrow points to fibroblast nucleus.

Note: The colloid precipitates into the middle of the follicles when the sample is processed into a slide and then breaks off during slicing. These are artifacts.

Glandula thyroidea – detail (HE)[edit | edit source]

Glandula thyroidea 4.jpeg

Description: F - follicle formed by monolayer epithelium (E) and filled with colloid, C - probably parafollicular cells (C cells - calcitonin producers).

Glandula thyroidea – detail (HE)[edit | edit source]

Glandula thyroidea 5.jpeg

Description: F - follicles formed by monolayer epithelium, the height of which correlates with thyroid activity (from flat in hypofunction to cylindrical in hyperfunction), here cubic epithelium (= eufunction), A - capillaries in the connective tissue stroma (capillaries have fenestrated endothelium).

Endocrine system[edit | edit source]

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