Femoral nerve palsy

From WikiLectures

Nervus femoralis

Nervus femoralis is formed by fibers from the roots of L2−4. It passes through the isthmus at the lacuna musculorum. Vulnerable places of this nerve are during its pelvic course on the lateral side of the psoat (pelvic tumors, laparoscopy), in the lacuna musculorum and in the fossa iliopectinea. It motorically innervates the iliopsoas, sartorius and quadriceps femoris muscles, providing sensitive innervation on the inner side of the thigh and the inner side of the lower leg. Allows for hip flexion and knee extension.

Image of polio[edit | edit source]

  1. high nerve damage
  2. low nerve damage
    • extension damage in the knee − the knee breaks (especially when walking down stairs), walking is unstable
  • sensitivity disorders in the innervation area (inner thigh and lower leg)

Causes[edit | edit source]

  1. pelvic trauma - fractures, dislocations
  2. consequence of surgery - hip joint surgery, extirpation of inguinal nodes, etc.
  3. iatrogenic - wrong application of i.m. injections, hematomas after angiography
  4. pressure in the area of ​​inguinal canal - tumors, enlarged nodes, aneurysm a. femoralis

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  • AMBLER, Zdeněk – BEDNAŘÍK, Josef. Klinická neurologie :  část speciální. II. 1. edition. Praha : Triton, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7387-389-9.