Extraocular muscles

From WikiLectures

>Ocular muscles are the muscles that ensure the movements of the eyeball. Template:Muscle table * According to the course of the muscle bundles, we divide them into: ** direct, ** oblique. The common beginning of the oculomotor muscles is a circular tendon located at the tip of the orbit - the 'anulus tendineus communis'.

=== Musculi recti === The attachments of individual muscles are located in each quadrant of the bulb one. The name corresponds to the position of the muscle. Third cranial nerve - n. oculomotorius provides innervation' to all rectus muscles, except for 'm. rectus lateralis, which already falls under n. abducens. * M. rectus superior: n. III.; * m. rectus inferior: n. III.; * m. rectus medialis: n. III.; * m. rectus lateralis: n. VI.. === Musculi obliqui === The oblique muscles have a common beginning with the rectus muscles, but their attachments and courses differ. Innervation is provided by n. trochlearis and n. oculomotorius. * M. obliquus superior: n. IV.; * m. obliquus inferior: n. III..