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Ecstasy is referred to as the so-called dance drug, often also known under the name MDMA. It contains active substances that have hallucinogenic and stimulating effects, induces pleasant, easily controllable emotional states and induces feelings of joy, well-being and happiness.

History[edit | edit source]

Ecstasy was patented as an active ingredient in 1912 as a weight loss drug, but never had a proven use. In the 1950s, it was resynthesized and demonstrably used in psychotherapy, where it was perceived very positively. It primarily improved the ability to communicate between people. It was used, for example, in partner therapies, or as a tool that deepened the relationship between patients and therapists. Due to doubts about its volatile effects and proven neurotoxicity, the legal use of MDMA has been banned. The use of MDMA as a dance drug began to appear in the 1970s in the USA, and then spread to Great Britain and other European countries. Today, ecstasy is one of the most widely used drugs in the world.

Chemical properties[edit | edit source]

It is a white, crystalline substance with a strong bitter taste. From a chemical point of view, we classify it among phenylethylamines (i.e. substances derived from amphetamines). The abbreviation MDMA is derived from the chemical name 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methamphetamine.

Effects[edit | edit source]

The main effect of MDMA on the human body is to influence the CNS, namely the secretion of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and noradrelin. Ecstasy affects the psyche and somatic functions of users. Psychological signs of intoxication include feelings of confusion and restlessness, which after a while alternate phases of calm and well-being, stress disappears and mood improves. Somatic effects are mainly nausea, vomiting, reduced need for sleep and reduced appetite. Sweating and dry mouth may also occur. Objectively, an increased temperature, accelerated pulse and increased blood pressure appear. After the intoxication wears off, hangovers, fatigue, joint and muscle pains appear first, and later there is a significant deterioration in mood.

Usage[edit | edit source]

Ecstasy pills

Ecstasy is very popular especially on dance floors. Club-goers often use it to have fun and dance more intensely without feeling tired. However, complete exhaustion of the organism often occurs, especially in a combination of overheating and dehydration, and other physical damage. Nevertheless, users consider MDMA to be a safe drug that they can control without developing any potential addiction. On the market, ecstasy is commonly available in capsules and tablets, which often have a relief image printed on one side, most often an animal (dolphin, dove...). Tablets can have different shapes, most often they are round. The composition of individual tablets can vary greatly, but usually the content of the active substance ranges from 50 to 100 mg in one tablet, while 80-100 mg is considered an effective dose. We can normally meet with the use of up to 10 tablets per evening. It is also very dangerous to combine MDMA with other drugs and medicines.

Links[edit | edit source]

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Used literature[edit | edit source]

  • KALINA, Kamil, et al. Drogy a drogové závislosti 1 :  interdisciplinary approach. 1. edition. Prague : Úřad vlády České republiky, 2003. ISBN 80-86734-05-6.

References[edit | edit source]