Ductus omphaloentericus

From WikiLectures

The ductus omphaloentericus (at its earliest stage), also called the ductus vitellinus, is the connection between the yolk sac, or its remnant, located in the chorionic cavity between the amnion and the chorionic plate, and the primitive midgut (the digestive cavity of the embryo).

Gradually it narrows and lengthens and becomes part of the primitive umbilicus. With the gradual enlargement of the amniotic cavity, the disappearance of the chorion, the formation of the amniochorion and the development of the umbilical cord, the yolk sac and the ductus omphaloentericus are obliterated and disappear. If obliteration does not occur, fistulas or bulges between the small intestine and the umbilicus form. The most common case is Meckel's diverticulum (a conical bulge in the wall of the ileum).

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  • VOKURKA, Martin – HUGO, Jan. Velký lékařský slovník. 9. edition. Maxdorf, 2009. 1159 pp. ISBN 978-80-7345-202-5.
  • SADLER, Thomas, W – SINHA,. Langmanova lékařská embryologie. 1. české edition. Grada, 2011. 414 pp. ISBN 978-80-247-2640-3.