Basic Staining Methods

From WikiLectures

Basic staining methods (also overview staining methods) are performed in order to highlight nearly all structures. Basic staining methods are usually based on one basic dye and one or two acidic dyes. Structures which are stained mainly basic dyes are called basophilic. Structures which are stained mainly by acidic dyes are called acidophilic or eosinophilic.

Results of basic staining methods (schematic)
Staining method Nuclei Cytoplasm Collagen fibers Muscle tissue Red blood cells
H&E blue to magenta pink to red red red red
yellow trichrome blue to magenta pink to red yellow red red
green trichrome brown yellow green red orange
blue trichrome brown pink to red blue red red
AZAN red pink to red blue red red
Weigert - van Gieson brown to black yellow red yellow yellow