Anesthesia at the foramen mentale

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Foramen mentale.PNG
Foramen mentale and canalis mandibulae on X-ray
Branches of the trigeminal nerve and its innervation of individual areas

It is a seductive anesthesia in the lower jaw used in dentistry. The Foramen mentale', from which the nervus mentalis emerges, lies between the tips of the roots of the lower premolars at a distance of about 5 mm below their apices. The mouth of the foramen mentale is directed dorsocranially. Nervus mentalis is the terminal branch of n. alveolaris inferior, which originates as one of the branches of n. mandibularis (third branch n. trigeminus). This anesthesia is not used much today, it can be replaced by infiltration, or mandibular seductive anesthesia. If anesthesia is applied, it is most often used as an additional method for better numbing of the vestibular mucosa of the lower jaw in the range of incisors, cuspid up to premolars.

Extent of Anesthesia[edit | edit source]

Teeth from lower first premolar, or cuspid to the midline (incisors). Mucous membrane and skin of half of the lower lip and chin.

Execution[edit | edit source]

The technique of performing anesthesia on the foramen mentale can be extraoral or intraoral.

'Intraoral administration of anesthetic is more common in practice and is applied with the patient sitting with the mouth slightly open. Insert the thumb of your free hand into the corner of the mouth and stretch the lower transitional eyelash in the area of the premolars. From top to bottom, we insert the injection needle between the roots of the premolars to a depth of 5-10 mm. Once we make contact with the bone, we aspirate and then deposit about 1.5 ml of anesthetic.

The extraoral route is rather alternative and is performed transcutaneously, when the foramen mentale is palpated. The extraoral technique is used for nerve block n. mentalis, during soft tissue operations of the lower lip (injured soft tissues, tumors).

Onset of effect[edit | edit source]

Within 5 minutes. The patient will feel tingling in the given half of the lower lip and alveolus between the incisors and canines.

Complications[edit | edit source]

The most common complication is hematoma caused by penetration of the needle through the branch of the ``ramus mentalis arteriae (venae) alveolaris inferior.

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References[edit | edit source]

  • ŠEDÝ, Jiří. Kompendium stomatologie. I, [Obecné aspekty stomatologie]. 1. edition. Prague : Triton, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7387-543-5.
  • PAZDERA, Jindřich. Základy ústní a čelistní chirurgie. 2. edition. Olomouc : Palacký University in Olomouc, 2011. ISBN 978-80-244-2660-0.
  • MAZÁNEK, Jiří – URBAN, František, et al. Stomatologické repetitorium. 1. edition. Praha : Grada Publishing a.s, 2003. 456 pp. ISBN 80-7169-824-5.