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Prognathism (prognathia) is the most common jaw anomaly.

  • maxillary protraction (arching of the maxilla forward).
  1. Physiological:
    • the mandible also follows the position;
    • intact bite;
    • prognathic expression in the face, e.g. in Africans.
  2. Pathological (prognathia maxillaris):
    • only the upper jaw has changes;
    • the lower jaw is of normal shape and size;
    • its oblique position is followed by the teeth, that protrude from the mouth;
    • the upper front teeth do not touch their antagonists;
    • lower teeth cause decubitus ulcers on the palate;
    • the upper lip is shortened - it is not enough to cover the protruding teeth.
  • Alveolar prognathia: arching of the alveolus in the area of ​​the canines.
  • Dental prognathia: the upper front teeth are turned out of the mouth.

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References[edit | edit source]

  • KOMÍNEK, Jaroslav. Dětská stomatologie: učebnice pro lékařské fakulty. 1. edition. 1966.