Selection and its types

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The term selection (= selection) in population genetics characterizes a situation that does not meet the limiting conditions for deriving the basic model (i.e. the average fertility of individuals is the same, independent of their genotype , so there is no selection).

  • It is among the classical evolutionary mechanisms of Darwinism; there is always a reduction in the number of offspring .
  • To measure the intensity of selection, we use the average number of offspring from a parent of a certain genotype; relative number is used, not absolute, where this relative value can be based on a ratio, for example, to the average number of offspring of all phenotypes or on a ratio to the number of offspring of the most fertile phenotype .
  • From this we can derive: (i = max) i.e. the average number of offspring of genotype i / the average number of offspring of the most fertile genotype, where wi = absolute average number of offspring of genotype it:
  • Relative reproductive capacity (also adaptive value) of a given genotype = .
  • Election coefficient , which characterizes the intensity of selection: .

Selection against homozygotes[edit | edit source]

The starting population is in Castle–Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium .

When selection of intensity s i against recessive homozygotes aa (i = aa) begins, it will:

  • frequency before selection : for (for , for , ); (pro , pro , );
  • selection intensity : pro aa = s (pro AA = 0, pro Aa = 0);
  • relative reproductive capacity : pro aa = 1 − s (pro AA = 1, pro Aa = 1);
  • freequency after selection (pro , pro , ).

We calculate the gene frequency in the generation after selection as: q´ = .

  • The size of the change is characterized by the selection difference (difference): Δq = q´ − q = .
  • ∆q allows us to find out whether the investigated polymorphism is stable or transient, or how fast selection-induced changes take place.

In the case of stable polymorphism , ∆q = 0; this happens when the numerator of the fraction in the equation is 0, which can happen when:

  1. p = 0, i.e. the population consists only of homozygotes aa;
  2. (q = 0), the population consists only of AA homozygotes;
  3. s = 0, the considered selection does not occur;
  • These three conditions = the so-called trivial (general, basic) conditions.
  • Under non-trivial conditions, gene frequencies change (allele a decreases).
  • The magnitude of this decline is directly proportional to the intensity of selection and the square of the gene frequency.
  • If the gene frequency is high at the beginning, its decrease is greater.
  • At smaller values ​​of q, the decline slows down (biologically explainable by the fact that at low values ​​of q, most a alleles in the genotype are heterozygotes, against which the given type of selection does not act).
  • The dynamics of these gene frequency changes for the values ​​of the selection coefficient have a sinusoidal character in various ways in the graph (dependency on time measured in generations).

Selection against both types of homozygotes[edit | edit source]

Basic types of selection

The so-called heterozygote preference (also referred to as super dominance or heterosis) ( and i ) leads to an equilibrium state where . ( a i ) .

Thus, equilibrium values ​​of paq depend only on selection coefficients, not on allele frequencies.

  • E.g. hemoglobinopathies in the homozygous constitution cause anaemia .
  • A selection factor that affects dominant homozygotes is malaria infection , to which heterozygotes are partially resistant.
  • An extreme case is a balanced lethal system , where and the population then consists only of heterozygotes (e.g. the T locus in the mouse, which is involved in the development caudal part of the body) a
  • Some dominant (T) and recessive (t) alleles have a lethal effect in the homozygous constitution , usually due to severe disturbances during ontogeny ; whereas the mechanism of damage is different for dominant and recessive homozygotes, heterozygous individuals are viable.

Selection against heterozygotes[edit | edit source]

  • E.g. fetal erythroblastosis .
  • Except for the situation where p = q = 0.5, equilibrium can only be reached under trivial conditions.
  • Since the non-trivial equilibrium p = q = 0.5 is easily violated, practically always under this type of selection there is a situation where the gene frequency of the allele with a higher frequency increases.
Types of selection

1. Normalizing selection

is applied in maintaining the current state of the population by excluding deviations from the norm; eg hereditary diseases.

2. Balancing selection

maintains a certain degree of polymorphism in the population; e.g. heterozygote preference ( sickle cell disease ).

3. Directional selection

is applied especially when the external conditions change, its action selects the best adapted phenotype.
  • This is a typical effect of natural selection in the sense of classical Darwinism.
  • E.g. industrial melanism of some insects.

Fisher's fundamental theorem of natural selection is: "The rate of rise in (relative) fertility of any organism at any time is equal to the genetic variance of (relative) fertility at that time". Better: "The greater the genetic variability that can be acted upon by selection toward higher fitness, the greater the progress in fitness." or "The rate of change of a trait depends exclusively on the additive genetic variance in the fitness of that trait." (1930)

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Source[edit | edit source]

  • STEFÁNEK, Jiří. Medicine, diseases, studies at the 1st Faculty of Medicine, UK  [online]. [feeling. 2/11/2010]. < >.

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