Formations in front of the medial ankle

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Formations in front of the medial ankle
Bordered dorsally medial malleolus
Bordered ventrally the retina of the extensor muscles above and below
Contents v. saphena magna , n. saphenus, tendon m. tibialis anterior

The space in front of the medial ankle is bounded by the retinaculum musculorum extensorum superius et inferius (ventrally) and the malleolus medialis (dorsally). The saphenous vein and the saphenous nerve run superficially through both retinacula , and the tendon of the tibialis anterior muscle runs deep below the retinacula.

For easy memorization, the mnemonic tool SAMANTA is used - vena SA phena M agna, N ervus saphenus, tendon musculus T ibialis A nterior.

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  • GRIM, Miloš and Rastislav DRUGA. Basics of anatomy: 5. Anatomy of body regions. 1st edition. Prague: Galén, 2008. 119 pp.  ISBN 978-80-7262-179-8 .
  • CIHÁK, Radomír. Anatomy 1st  3rd ed. Prague: Grada Publishing, as, 2011. 552 pp. Vol. 1.  ISBN 978-8-247-3817-8 .