
From WikiLectures

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This template is used to indicate a file that has been moved to the Wikimedia Commons shared repository and is awaiting verification of its licence by the Wikimedia Commons Authorising Officer. Once the license has been confirmed with WikiLectures (using the embedded template), the date of verification at Commons should be added to this template as a second parameter. Pages tagged with this template are automatically categorized before verification Verified, after verification to the category Delete – exceptions to this rule for the purpose of creating help can be defined in a sub-template for clarity of the category {{Delete/exceptions}}.

Use without reference
  • {{Verified}} → You need to specify a link to the Commons file as the first parameter!

Using the template with the specified link
  • {{{Verified|Daniel's article 001.png}}

This image has been moved to Wikimedia Commons and marked with a template {{Verified}}, indicating that the license has not yet been checked by an authorized person there to match the license in WikiLectures.

However, more than a month has passed since then and it is likely that the Commons verification has already been done, but the file has been forgotten. Please check the Commons verification and, if it has been done, add its date as a second parameter to this template. If not, please ask one of the Czech-speaking administrators there to do it.

See help for details on how to move files to Wikimedia Commons.

Using a template with a specified link and verification date
  • {{Verified|Daniel's article 001.png|2011-05-20}}
This file is proposed for deletion
This file is proposed for deletion  

This file has been moved to Wikimedia Commons a the license has been successfully checked by the person in charge there against the one in WikiLectures.

Now this file is a duplicate of the copy on the shared repository. Since the media on Wikimedia Commons is directly usable in WikiScripts, the copy here can be deleted.


Appearance of the template with the specified link if more than one month has passed since the last modification
  • {{Verified|Daniel's article 001.png}}

This image has been moved to Wikimedia Commons and marked with a template {{Verified}}, indicating that the license has not yet been checked by an authorized person there to match the license in WikiLectures.

However, more than a month has passed since then and it is likely that the Commons verification has already been done, but the file has been forgotten. Please check the Commons verification and, if it has been done, add its date as a second parameter to this template. If not, please ask one of the Czech-speaking administrators there to do it.

See help for details on how to move files to Wikimedia Commons.