Homosexuality among men

From WikiLectures

"Czech language does not have any unambiguously accepted term for homosexual men. However, it seems that the Americanism gay is becoming more common in Czech. Homosexual men have a high tendency towards sexual promiscuity. There are two explanations for this phenomenon. Firstly, men are biologically predisposed towards higher promiscuity and activity. If two men meet in a homosexual couple, their biological predisposition has understandable consequences. The second explanation is the difficulty of achieving a stable homosexual partnership due to social problems. It is claimed that this element will be eliminated if society manages to raise tolerance towards the homosexual minority. The practice of homosexual men is often characterized by anonymous contacts realized with high motivational urgency in culturally and dignifiedly inappropriate places. In this context, let us recall in particular the well-known "toilet erotica" of some homosexuals. Sexual practices of homosexual men are varied. Most of them engage in mutual masturbation, as well as oral-genital contacts and anal intercourse. With a high number of partners and often risky sexual practices, it is not surprising that sexually transmitted diseases spread more among promiscuous homosexual men than among heterosexuals.

The higher incidence of syphilis and gonorrhea among homosexuals has been known for a long time. A similar significance is given to the very frequent positivity of hepatitis B virus and, in recent years, HIV virus and AIDS. The occurrence of anal fissures and periproctal abscesses has rather mechanical than epidemiological consequences.

The male homosexual minority has greater cohesion and is therefore more visible in society than the minority of lesbian homosexuals. Some interest groups of homosexuals have the need to present homosexuality as something better, higher, and more noble than heterosexuality. The element of hypercompensation, so well known in psychology of minorities burdened with a feeling of certain insufficiency, is evident here.

Male homosexual couples rarely have the opportunity to care for children, although they would surely often be interested in doing so. This makes their cultural and social engagement even greater. For various reasons, there are slightly more of them in certain professions than in the whole society, such as actors, dancers, performers, waiters, but also celibate priests."

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Based on the article by Doc. MUDr. Jaroslav Zvěřina, CSc. (Head of the Department of Sexology, 1st Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital in Prague (VFN))