Histology MCQs/Skin

From WikiLectures
St Bartholomew is often portraited without his skin.

1 What is main function of Langergans cells of epidermis?

Antigen-presenting cells
Stem cells

2 Which layer of epidermis has the most intense mitotic activity?

Basal layer
Spinous layer
Granular layer
Mitotic activity is equally distributed throuhg the epidermis

3 What are keratins?

Class of intermediate filaments in epidermis
Class of extracellular proteins in epidermis
Class of microfilaments in epidermis
Class of cell adhesions in epidermis

4 Keratohyaline granules:

They are non-membrane-bound and contain various lipids and glykolipids
They are membrane-bound and contain various lipids and glykolipids
They are non-membrane-bound and contain fillagrin
They are membrane-bound and contain fillagrin

5 How many layers of keratinocytes does usually contain stratum corneum?


6 Melanin:

Melanin is stored mainly in proximity of cell nucleus of melanocytes
Melanin is quickly released from melanocytes to intercellular space
Melanin is quickly transported to keratinocytes of basal layer
Melanin is stored mainly in processes of melanocytes

7 Which aminoacid is main building block of melanin?


8 Which tissue is main tissue of papillary layer of dermis?

Reticular connective tissue
Loose connective tissue
Dense connective tissue
Reticular epithelium

9 Which tissue is main tissue of reticular layer of dermis?

Reticular connective tissue
Dense connective tissue
Loose connective tissue
Reticular epithelium

10 Proteoglycans of reticular layer of dermis are rich (especially) in one glycosaminoglycan. Which one?

Chondroitin sulfate
Dermatan sulfate
Keratan sulfate
Heparan sulfate

11 How is called part of the hair follicle containing vessels?

Inner root sheat
Dermal papilla
Hair cuticule

12 Arrector pili muscle:

It is composed of striated muscle fibers
It is composed of striated muscle cells
It is composed of myoepithelial cells
It is composed of smooth muscle cells

13 Which structure is main structure of nails?

Gamma butyric acid (GABA)
Keratan sulfate
Hyaluronic acid

14 Sebaceous glands:

They are often associated with hair follicle
They use merocrine type of secretion
They are branched tubular glands
They are abundant on palms

15 During produkci of sebum, autophagy plays an important role. What is an autophagy?

The cell disintegrates main part of its organelles using ubiquitine-proteaseome pathway
The cell surround part of its own cytoplasm and organells by membrane and digest it
Autophagy is a synonym for holocrine type of secretion
It's a trap, autophagy has nothing to do with production of sebum

16 Eccrine sweat glands are:

Straight tubular glands
Branched tubular glands
Branched acinar glands
Coiled tubular glands

17 Where are apocrine sweat glands?

In the skin of neck
In the axilla
In the soles
On the lips

18 How many vessel plexuses do we have in the dermis?


19 What is main function of pacinian corpuscle (Vater-Paccini's corpuscle)?

Detection of pressure and vibrations
Detection of high temperature
Detection of low temperature
Detection of damage

20 Which structures of the skin are often nociceptors (receptors of pain)?

We have no receptors of pain in the skin
Krause end-bulb bodies
Free nerve endings
Merkel's disks

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