Histology MCQs/Epithelial Tissue (2023/24)

From WikiLectures
Classification of planar epithelia based on the view from the cavity/surface is not useful. Neither in frogs nor in men.

1 How is called the structure composed of abundant microvilli?

Basal striation
Basal labyrinth
Brush border
Golgi area

2 Which type of cell adhesion is responsible mainly for mechanical cohesion of epithelial cells?

Zonula adherens
Fascia adherens

3 What is main function of zonula occludens (occludent junction)?

It prevents transportation of compounds along the cells (paracelular transportation)
It prevents leakage of proteins from the cells (outflow from the cell)
It prevents influx of ions to the cells (inflow to the cell)
It prevents lost of mechanical cohesion of epithelial cells

4 Which intracellular structure is main site of glycosylation of secreted proteins?

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Endosomal vesicles
Gogli apparatus

5 Which intracellular structure is widely involved in intracellular transportation of secretory vesicles?

Actin filaments

6 Which chemical compound is main structure of a mucus?


7 Which chemical structure is main content of secretory granules inside serous cells?


8 Which chemical structure is main content of holocrine sectretory cells?


9 Which staining is the best for highlighting of a mucus?

Blue Masson's trichrome
Toluidin blue
Methylen blue
Alcian blue

10 How are called mucus producing cells in the pseudostratified epithelium?

Cilliated cells
Polygonal cells
Columnar cells
Goblet cells

11 Which of following types of epithelium is common epithelium of exocrine glands?

Stratified squamous non-keratinizing epithelium
Simple columnar epithelium
Transitional epithelium
Trabecular epithelium

12 Which type of epithelium is main epithelium of the skin (epidermis)?

Stratified squamous non-keratinizing
Stratified squamous keratinizing
Stratified columnar
Simple squamous

13 Eastern Egg: Apocrine type of secretion can be described as less or more analogical to one historical event. Which one?

Battle of Verdun during the WWI; hint: this battle was so bloody, so even historician call it 'meat grinder of Verdun'
Fall of Carthage at the end of the third Punic war; hint: total destruction, Cathage was destroyed
Merging of Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt by pharaoh Narmer; hint: two countries were merged
Execution of Luis XVI., king of France; hint: he was executed by decapitation/guillotine

14 Which protein is responsible for contraction of myoepithelial cells?


15 Which type of epithelium is common epithelium of endocrine glands?

Stratified squamous epithelium
Simple columnar epithelium
Transitional epithelium
Trabecular epithelium

16 Which structure is responsible for attachement of epithelial cells to the basement membrane?

Anchoring filaments
Fascia adherens

17 Which is main structure of a respiratory epithelium?

Simple squamous epithelium
Simple cuboidal epithelium
Simple columnar epithelium
Reticular epithelium

18 Which is main stucture of an epithelium of urinary bladder?

Stratified squamous without keratinization
Stratified squamous with keratinization
Simple columnar epithelium
Transitional epithelium

19 Crypts of Lieberkühn (intestinal glands) are example of:

Composed tubular gland
Composed acinar gland
Simple tubular gland
Simple acinar gland

20 An endothelium (inner lining of vessels) is not an epithelium. Why?

Endothelium is layer of muscle tissue
Endothelium is of mesenchymal origin
Endothelium is form of nerve tissue
It's a trap! Endothelium does not exist

21 Which type of secretion is the most common for exocrine glands?

Holocrine secretion
Merocrine secretion
Endocrine secretion
Apocrine secretion

22 Which type of epithelium is common among resorptive epithelial structures?

Pseudostratified epithelium
Simple squamous epithelium
Simple columnar epithelium
Transitional epithelium

23 Which organ contains a germinal epithelium?

Both testis and ovary
There is no germinal epithelium in an adult body

24 Which organ contains a pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium?

Large intestine
Urinary bladder

25 Which endocrine gland is composed of a planar epithelium?

Cortex of adrenal gland
Parathyroid gland
Thyroid gland

26 Which organ contains a simple columnar epithelium?

Urinary bladder

27 Which organ contains a reticular epithelium?

Lymphatic node
Bone marrow

28 Which type of epithelium forms liver?

Stratified squamous epithelium
Simple columnar epithelium
Trabecular epithelium
Reticular epithelium

29 Which type of epithelium forms inner lining of the stomach?

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Stratified columnar epithelium
Simple columnar epithelium
It's a trap! There is no epithelium in the stomach

30 Which type of epithelium forms the stroma of the bone marrow?

Stratified columnar epithelium
Simple squamous epithelium
Reticular epithelium
It's a trap! There is no epithelium in the bone marrow

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