Glycogenosis/ Classification and basic characteristics of glycogenoses

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Classification and basic characteristics various types of glycogenosis
Type Name (synonyms) Enzyme deficit Affected organs Clinical signs
0 glycogenosyntase liver hypoglycemia, ketosis, early exitus (death)
Ia Hepatorenal glycogenosis (von Gierke) glukose–6–phosphatese liver, kidneys, bowel hepatomegalia, enlargment of kidneys, hypoglycemia on empty stomach, acidosis, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, dysfunction of thrombocytes, later also creation of hepatic adenoma and glomerulosclerosis
Ib microsomal membrane glucose–6–phosphate translokase liver like type Ia; plus recurrentneutropenia, bacterial infection
Ic microsomal P–transporter liver like type Ia
II Generalized glycogenosis (Pompe disease, cardiac glycogenosis) lysosomal acid α–1,4–glucosidase all organs cardiomegalia, hepatomegalia (without hypoglycemia)
III Limit dextrinosis (Cori disease, Forbes disease) debranching enzyme (amylo–1→6–glukosidase and oligo–1→4–glucantransferase) liver (muscles, heart), abnormal glycogen hepatomegalia, normal lipids and ECG, mild hypoglycemia, elevated AST a ALT (cirhosis, elevated CK)
IV Amylopektinosis (Andersen disease, glykogenosis of defect branching) amylo–1→4–1→6–transglucosidase ("branching enzyme") abnormal glycogen (amylopectin in organs) hepatosplenomegalia, ascites, cirhosis, liver failure
V McArdle disease muscle phosphorylase (myophosphorylase) skeletal muscles (only) weakness and muscle spasms during exercise, without hyperlactatemia, but elevated CK
VI Deficit of liver phosphorylase (Hers syndrome) liver glycogen phosphorylase (50 % of normal) liver hepatomegalia, normal spleen, hypoglycemia, without hyperlipemia or ascites
VII phosphofructokinase muscles, erytrocytes muscle weakness, spasms during exercise, mild hemolytic anemia
previously VIII, IX, VIb phosphorylase b kinase liver, leukocytes, muscles (?) hepatomegalia, hypoglycemia (like type VI), X-linked inheritance
X cAMP dependent proteinkinase liver, muscles hepatomegalia, not a disease of skeletal muscle or myocard
Nonclassified activity of all enzymes is normal liver or liver and kidneys hepatomegalia with Fanconi syndrome; hypophosphatemic rickets (previously called vitamin D-resistant rickets); hereditary fructose intolerance