Fossa ischioanalis

From WikiLectures

Fossa ischioanalis (ischiorectalis) is the topographic location of the pelvis lateral to the rectum, which is bounded by:

  • cranially/mediálly: m. levator ani with fascia diaphragmatis pelvis inferior
  • laterally: m. obturatorius internus with its fascia
  • caudally: fascia perinei
  • dorsally: lower edge m. gluteus maximus with its fascia and lig. sacrotuberale

So it reaches from the pubic bone to the gluteal muscle. The contents of the fossa ischioanalis is the corpus adiposum fossae ischioanalis, structures passing through the canalis pudendalis (Alcocki) − nervus pudendus and vasa pudenda, it is extended ventrally to the symphysis pubica as a recessus pubicus.

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Literature used[edit | edit source]

  • ČIHÁK, Radomír – GRIM, Miloš. Anatomie. 2., uprav. a dopl edition. Praha : Grada Publishing, 2002. 470 pp. vol. 2. ISBN 80-7169-970-5.
  • GRIM, Miloš. Základy anatomie: Anatomie krajin těla. - edition. Galén, 2002. 119 pp. ISBN 9788072621798.