Comparision of certain blood tests

From WikiLectures

Examination What is it What it informs about Principle of determination
Hemoglobinometry Concentration of Hb in blood Transport capacity of blood for O2 Spectrophotometry
Hematocrit Volume fraction of erythrocytes in blood (vol%) Blood viscosity (ie, for example: how easily blood flows through capillaries (microcirculation), how much work the heart has to pump blood) Centrifugation
Sedimentation The rate of decline of erythrocytes in "diluted" non-clotting blood A non-specific marker of many diseases:
  • Infectious
  • Tumors
  • Autoimmune
  • Blood cell count (more blood cells – slower sedimentation, few blood cells – faster sedimentation)
The effect of gravity, (and also dilution)

Blood elements sediment differently according to their density

The rate of sedimentation is indirectly dependent on the suspension stability of the blood

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