Colorectal cancer/staging

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For the classification of colorectal cancer, 2 classification systems are commonly used - TNM and Dukes.

TNM classification[1][edit | edit source]

  • T = tumor (Tis = carcinoma in situ, T1 = submucosa, T2 = muscularis propria, T3 = subserosa, pericolic or perirectal tissues, T4a = visceral peritoneum, T4b = other organs or structures )
  • N = regional lymph node involvement (N0 = no LU involvement, N1a = 1 regional node, N1b = 2–3 regional nodes, N1c = satellites without regional nodes, N2a = 4–6 regional LU, N2b = 7 or more regional LUs, Nx = unknown number of affected nodes – examined less than 12 LUs from resected bowel)
  • M = distant metastases (M0 = no distant metastases, M1a = 1 organ, M1b = more than 1 organ, peritoneum)

Stage T N M'
Stage 0 Thousand N0 M0
Stage I T1, T2 N0 M0
Stage IIa T3 N0 M0
Stage IIb T4a N0 M0
Stage IIc T4b N0 M0
Stage IIIa T1, T2 N1 M0
T1 N2a M0
Stage IIIb T3, T4a N1 M0
T2,T3 N2a M0
T1, T2 N2b M0
Stage IIIc T4a N2a M0
T3, T4a N2b M0
T4b N1, N2 M0
Stage IVa any T any N M1a
Stage IVb any T any N M1b

Dukes Classification [2][edit | edit source]

Stage Description
Stage A tumor bounded by the intestinal wall
Stage B the tumor invades or penetrates the serosa
Stage C1 tumor + positive pericolic lymph nodes
Stage C2 tumor + positive perivascular nodes
Stage D distant metastases

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References[edit | edit source]

  1. SOBIN, L.H. TNM classification of malignant neoplasms. 7. edition. Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic, 2011. pp. 88-92. ISBN 978-80-904259-6-5.
  2. ZEMAN, Miroslav. Special Surgery. 2. edition. Galen, 2006. 575 pp. pp. 300. ISBN 80-7262-260-9.