Caloric equivalent

From WikiLectures

Caloric equivalent is the amount of energy released during the consumption of 1 liter of oxygen. The average amount of energy released when burning a mixture of nutrients (carbohydrates 60%, fats 25%, proteins 15%) per 1 liter of consumed O2 is 20.1 kJ (4.8 kcal).

The average energy equivalent for different nutrients is shown in the table:[1]

0 °C 37°C
carbs 21.15 kJ 18.8 kJ
lipids 19.6 kJ 17.6 kJ
proteins 19.65 kJ 16.8 kJ

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  1. SILBERNAGL, Stefan – DESPOPOULOS, Agamemnon. Atlas fyziologie člověka. 6. edition. Grada, 2004. 448 pp. pp. 228. ISBN 80-247-0630-X.