Agents for chemical disinfection

From WikiLectures

Disinfections[edit | edit source]

Methods Of Disinfection[edit | edit source]

there are several methods which can be used for disinfection and these include

  1. Physical
  2. Chemical

Physical Method[edit | edit source]

these can include the use of hot air, ultrasoic and also dry air

Chemical Method[edit | edit source]

they can be further subdivided into 3 groups namely

  • Membrane Active Disinfection
  • Fixation Of Cell Membrane
  • Membrane Oxidizing
  • Membrane Active Disinfection

These oxidize the cell membrane of bacteria and this leads to the loss structure and ultimately cell death. Examples include iodine, sodium hypochlorate

  • Fixation Of Cell Membrane

These attach to the cell membrane of the bacteria and block the release of cell components. these include formaldehyde and glataldehyde

  • Membrane Oxidizing

These oxidize the cell membrane of bacteria and this leads to the loss structure and ultimately cell death. Examples include iodine, sodium hypochlorate

Several condition have to be taken into consideration when determining the effectiveness of the disinfectent and these are

  1. Spectrum of Activity
  2. pH of the acitvity
  3. Stability of Disinfection
  4. oncentration of Disinfection