Portal:Questions for final examination in pathology OLD (1. LF UK, GM)

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General Tips for the Pathology Exam[edit | edit source]

Final Examination Questions[edit | edit source]

General pathology

  1. Cellular injury and death
  2. Atrophy
  3. Amyloidosis
  4. Repair and regeneration
  5. Calcification
  6. Edema, hyperemia and congestion
  7. Thrombosis
  8. Embolism
  9. Infarction
  10. Respiratory infections (classified and described according to aetiology and location)
  11. Tuberculosis
  12. Gastrointestinal infections (classified and described according to aetiology and location)
  13. Gramm-positive pyogenic infections (classified and described according to aetiology and location – skin, mucose, serose membranes, intersticium)
  14. Sexually transmitted infections
  15. Infections of childhood and adolescence (mumps, measles-morbilli, rubella-German measles, parotitis, chickenpox- varicella, fifth disease, scarlet fever, whooping cough-pertussis, pyogenic childhood infections, TBC, infectious mononucleosis, STD…)
  16. Oportunistic and AIDS related infections (classified and described according to aetiology and location: viruses: CMV, EB, PME… bact: chlamydiae, TBC, beta-strepto, actinomycosis… mycoses – candida, cryptococcus…parasites: toxoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, amebiasis… )
  17. Tropical infections (classified and described according to aetiology &location - viruses: ebola, hemorrhagic feveren, encephalitides, yellow fever, Marburg dis… bact: chlamydiae, mycobacteria - tb, leprosy, Haemophillus, actinomycosis… mycoses – candida, cryptococcus, blastomycosis…parasites: malaria, trypanosomiasis, toxoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, amebiasis, schistosomiasis …helminths: taeniasis, Equinococcus, Strongyloides stercoralis, Dracunculus, Trichinella… )
  18. Hyper and hypovitaminoses
  19. Genetic disorders
  20. Diseases of immunity
  21. Diseases of infancy and childhood: infectious (see above) & non infectious – inborn, acquired – according to general pathology dis categories


  1. Neoplasia - definition, general morphology, biology of growth, carcinogenesis
  2. Malignant lymphomas
  3. Leukemias and myeloproliferative disorders
  4. Tumors of lungs
  5. Tumors of the stomach
  6. Tumors of the small and large intestine
  7. Tumors of the liver
  8. Tumors of the biliary tract
  9. Tumors of the exo and endocrine pancreas
  10. Tumors of kidneys
  11. Tumors of the urinary tract
  12. Tumors of the male genital system
  13. Pseudotumors and tumors of the uterus
  14. Ovarian tumors and cysts
  15. Tumors of the breast
  16. Tumors of the thyroid gland
  17. Tumors of adrenal cortex and medulla
  18. Tumors of the skin
  19. Bone tumors
  20. Soft tissue tumors
  21. Tumors of the brain and nerves

Special pathology

  1. Pathology of vessels
  2. Ischemic heart disease
  3. Valvular heart disease
  4. Myocardial diseases
  5. Pericardial diseases
  6. Congenital heart diseases
  7. Anemias
  8. Hemorrhagic disorders
  9. Pathology of the spleen
  10. Diseases of lungs of vascular origin
  11. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  12. Pulmonary infections
  13. Diffuse interstitial diseases of lungs
  14. Pathology of esophagus
  15. Gastritis
  16. Gastric ulceration
  17. Vascular disorders of the intestines
  18. Inflammatory disorders of the intestines
  19. Pathology of the peritoneum
  20. Cirrhosis
  21. Inflammatory disorders of the liver and billiary tract
  22. Alcoholic liver disease
  23. Pathology of the exocrine pancreas
  24. Diabetes mellitus
  25. Glomerular diseases
  26. Diseases of tubules and interstitium of kidneys
  27. Diseases of blood vessels in kidneys
  28. Cholelithiasis and urolithiasis
  29. Inflammations of female genital tract
  30. Gestational and placental disorders
  31. Pathology of the pituitary gland
  32. Thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism
  33. Thyroiditis and goiter
  34. Pathology of the parathyroid glands
  35. Hyper and hypofunction of adrenals
  36. Inflammatory dermatoses
  37. Osteomyelitis
  38. Traumatic diseases of the brain
  39. Vascular diseases of the brain
  40. Inflammatory diseases of the brain
  41. Degenerative diseases of the brain