Module GFPP - Practice no. 12

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Last update: Monday, 08 Dec 2014 at 6.30 pm.

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Slide no.1 and no.2 - astrocytom

Astrocytoma 4x.jpg Astrocytoma 20x.jpg

Slide no.3 and no.4 - karcinosa mening

L 12-16 meningeal carcinosis karcinosa mening 4x oznaceno.jpg L 12-16 meningeal carcinosis karcinosa mening 20x oznaceno.jpg

Structures to know

  • meningy
  • nádorové epitelové čepy s atypiemi

Slide no.5 and no.6 - ependymom

Ependymoma 4x.jpg L 12-18 ependymoma 20x oznaceno.jpg

Structures to know

  • náznaky rozetovitých formací

Slide no.7 and no.8 - glioblastom

Glioblastoma 4x.jpg L 12-20 glioblastoma 20x oznaceno.jpg

Structures to know

  • regresivní partie nádoru

Slide no.9 and no.10 - meningeom s psammomaty

L12-8 meningioma meningeom s psamomaty 4x oznaceno.jpg L 12-8 meningioma meningeom s psammomaty 20x oznaceno.jpg

Structures to know

  • psamomatózní tělíska

Slide no.11 and no.12 - feochromocytom

Pheochromocytoma feochromocytom 4x.jpg L11-4 pheochromocytoma feochromocytom 20x oznaceno.jpg

Structures to know

  • nádorové formace - čepy

Slide no.13 and no.14 - ganglioneurom

Ganglioneuroma 4x.jpg Z11-2 ganglioneuroma 20x oznaceno.jpg

Structures to know

  • vřetenité buňky nádoru
  • gangliové buňky nádoru

Slide no.15 and no.16 - neurinom

Schwannoma neurinom 4x.jpg Z11-3 schwannoma neurinom 20x oznaceno.jpg

Structures to know

  • palisáda (Antoni A)

Slide no.17 and no.18 - plexiformní neurofibrom

Z11-4 plexiform neurofibroma plexiformni neurofibrom 4x oznaceno.jpg Plexiform neurofibroma plexiformni neurofibrom 20x.jpg

Structures to know

  • nádor



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Module GFPP (3. LF UK)

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